Sunday, July 6, 2008

WA Gold - Time For A New Goldrush

WA GOLD - A Internet Revolution Is Coming

Hy there, how are you doing in the "Making Money Niche?". Could use some improvement ?

I will post here a part of a e-mail I received these days from a friend of mine. It's about WA Gold

"Have you heard the news?

A brand new system called WA Gold will arrive at Wealthy Affiliate this coming Tuesday the 8th July!

Now you know that my mission is to provide you with the latest information about all the changes at WA as they happen, and I promise you will see WA Gold in action BEFORE anyone else - more on that in a minute.
But what about the hype surrounding WA Gold...have you seen/heard it?WA Gold related threads are starting to appear on all the major marketing forums, and the general word is that this is going to be HUGE.


Well you should know by now that hype plays a big part in marketing and sometimes things can get blown out of proportion. Now I've got to do something about this because some of the information being offered about WA Gold is misleading to say the least. As one of Kyle & Carson's moderators for this new system, I've been beta testing WA Gold for a few days now and I know the system INSIDEOUT. So I've picked a handful of the most asked questions that I feel require clarification:
Q1) Will it cost any extra to use WA Gold?
A1) No, it's free to all members.

Q2) Can you make money using WA Gold?
A2) Absolutely! Anyone at WA can earn money just by being a member. Earning potential thereafter is limitless.

Q3) Does it involve Adwords or any other form of PPC?
A3) No.

Q4) Social bookmarking?
A4) No.

Q5) Can people outside of WA use WA Gold?
A5) No.

Q6) Who will get the most out of it, newbie's or experienced marketers?
A6) Both. WA Gold is designed to benefit all members regardless of their experience. And it certainly will.

Now I don't want to join those on the hype boat and go all 'la la' over WA Gold, but I can assure you that this really is going to cause major ripples in the Internet marketing ocean. The way WA works is about to change forever in a truly remarkable way.

New earning methods will appear on an almost daily basis, members will earn money from inside WA, and the amount of ordinary people that become full time affiliate marketers thanks to WA will increase MASSIVELY."

That's the most of the e-mail. WOW, to say at least.

I've build a Squidoo Lens about it immediately, go and check it out, even better if you decide to hop over to Wealthy Affiliate in a sequence.

Build your success


Here is my Lens - WA GOLD - Time For A New Goldrush

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Secret How To Make Money Online Fast

Are you one of those who wish to know how to make money online fast, I bet you are.

You try and try but never get to make any profit. I say profit as you eventually could sell something, but you spend more for advertising in AdWords to get traffic to your offer then you made commissions from those sales, what ultimately ended up in a loss.

But Affiliate Marketing is not difficult, absolutely not. First I have to tell you that what I write here is not a "quick buck solution" where you go out and buy some ebook and push a button. This my friend is nonsense and doesn't exist. But I guess you know this already. If not thank me for telling you this here, it will save you a lot of money.

Be very open minded and answer to yourself this question: if you would have a system which make you money by a push of a button, would you sell it for $39 or $49 , or even for $1999 dollars. I don't think so and so do you.

After we got back to reality, let's talk about what you should do how to make money. You will get the best plan from me on how to make money online fast.

A other thing I have to tell you is that this is not a Free gimmick. You need to have at least some resources to implement this, or it's not possible to copy my idea.

With resources I mean three things. A host, a own domain and a auto-responder service.

The host can be signed up on a monthly base if you are on a shoestring, because you need only very low disc-space and bandwidth with this.
I am personally a happy Hostmonster client and can recommend it, chose a host here over my site, where you get from me a 25% discount at several top hosts. The domain should be a .com domain, what cost you about $10 if you buy it separately, valid for a year. You can get a domain at your host or at a domain broker like GoDaddy. With my yearly hosting plan the main domain was already included, so no extra costs here.

A normal host has as well a website builder with which you can build a simple page very fast. Otherwise you can use front-page which is at your PC by default or you go to which is a free builder. This step you must manage, there is no way around this or you go and buy a package of some simple squeeze pages.

Then you need a auto-responder service. This is a e-mail service which let you market to people over e-mail marketing, all on autopilot. Let me repeat this as it is important, you have two things to remember, - you need a subscriber list, - and a e-mail sequence on auto-responder which will go to this this list on autopilot.

To know more about what is a auto-responder list, visit my page at where you get all information and can see the best service I recommend, which happens to be AWeber Autoresponder service. Sign up to a auto-responder service and get familiar how to set it up. In Aweber you have great tutorials and it is easy to get all done, and to create a web form (the sign up box) which you simply copy and paste to your website.
If You want to know AWeber directly, visit them here over this link

AWEBER Autoresponder Service

But first, before you buy any of those things, let's make some research about what you should sell.

Do you know any hot topic ? No ? Then see this: gasoline prices, making money, credit repair, relationship problems and so on. I think you got it and can think about some other topics which represent a huge problem to group of people. Perfect is if you have a lot of experience in one field to communicate to them like a pro.

Rule is. The bigger the problem and the group, the better for you to make sales. And don't worry about competition, with this system you don't need to worry about this as your target is email marketing, and not to get organic traffic and sales over a website.

So now you have a group, or niche, let's say "gasoline prices". People are nut's about the current gas prices and would like to get solutions about how to lower their spending. So why you don't offer them some solutions ?

You could offer anything related to this topic, from guides how to organize car sharing, to special tires which increase mileage, to fuel improvement products etc., there are as well websites which offer a free quote for a new, more economic car. And you can make commissions for all, for sales, foe leads, for sign ups etc. Do you see the power in this ?

But to market all this you need to set up the system I talked above. You need a "squeeze page" where you catch your visitors attention and make him sign up to your auto-responder list. Perhaps you already can offer some, but it's not very likely, so don't put the product at the top in this case. Don't try to be the salesman on that page, where the perfect approach would be to offer to those guys a free book, free tips or any other incentive for when they sign in and leave the e-mail.

This here is not absolutely necessary, but it's good if you have a "thank you" page where those subscribers land immediately after they gave you your e-mail. There you will thank them (what a surprise), explain what they have to do now to receive the gift (they have to verify the mail from AWeber first) and now, there you can offer a special one time offer (OTO) of anything you think would be great to market. Remember, always related to the topic of the page and the crowd you got.

Those pages have to be very simple, don't make it complicated. You have to be highly relevant and work with benefits and solutions. I recommend you go and see the websites you find when you research for the term you might want to use. Let's say you use the term "save fuel", check out what websites appear for that. Copy and paste their domain name, then you go in the Google Keyword tool, here

Click on website content and paste the url/domain into the box, then hit run - you will get some good ideas about keywords and as well how much each keyword is searched. If you are not happy with this, get a keyword from the results which fit well, and repeat the process, now using the keyword option n the tool.

Let's imagine you decided to go for the keyword "save fuel", what is by the way a great name for your domain, which could be (this is just an example) what very good as your domain name match the keyword.

Now you have the market, the keyword, the host and the domain name set. We still miss the pages and the auto-responder.

About the pages you have to make it really easy. Don't go for any fancy design. A squeeze page with a white background is perfect. It's only a small page with a catchy headline, a sub-headline why he benefit when reading the page, or watch a video, sign up to your list and ultimately the opt in form.

You have to mention the benefits he has if he give you his e-mail, and what gift he will get. And very important is a call to action, something like "Get It Now" or something. You need to focus to get subscribers here, nothing else.

In our example all this has to be related to the "save fuel" niche. This is very important. You can market them later on other stuff related to the car segment, but at this point there have to be only "save fuel" information's. You have to be as relevant as possible.

Now the last, and simplest task. Find a product, or products. There are hundreds of products out there which you can offer to those people. Go sing up to Clickbank and get a free affiliate account, there are ebooks to promote, do a search in Google for fuel optimizer+affiliate and you get a result, or you sign up to neverblueads and get some lead programs who pay you for a simple submission (insurance or car loans), etc.Most marketers make the mistake that they start with the product first, and then do all the research job from above. This is wrong. Get first all above and then search for the products.

If you did all well, you now go to Google AdWords and open a account. First get somewhere a $50 credit coupon (google for it) and sign up then for your account. You need to pay $10 more to activate the account. Now you set up a advertising campaign and go for those "save fuel" keywords. Add other stuff like -how to, -best way to, -tips for and so on. you need to build only a few ad groups with 5 to 10 keywords, and 2 ads in each group. After you expand and tweak. You need traffic who is interested in saving fuel, so the offer in the page you have must be a solution to this problem. And the only thing they have to do to get this help from you is leaving their e-mail address. It's that easy.

You have to monitor this campaign closely, go and see every hour or so what's going on with your impressions and clicks. Do you have impressions, get clicks ? And set a daily limit of $20 at the begin for that you have money for two days.

After you got traffic and subscribers the fun really starts. Now you can communicate with them for free. But please don't spam them with a lot of advertising e-mails. Give them the information you promised and which has a real value, and then you add at the bottom a offer which help them even more to resolve their problem. And like I told before, after you have worn out the initial topic you can market other stuff, related to your niche.

People which subscribed to know "how to save gas" as well need other stuff related to cars. So offer them things where to save money like - cheaper car insurance, car loans, car parts and so on. They are subscribers which signed up to get something for free, so you can mail them each 2 days. A normal list with clients should be mailed only about once a week.

It's a fact that a visitor need about 6 contacts before he makes a purchase. So if you go for a high traffic topic like this one you get a lot of searchers who are looking for information, not buyers in first place. That's the reason why you should offer in your squeeze page information, and no products as they wouldn't buy anyhow.

Over your e-mail campaign you need to turn them into buyers. With your e-mails they get free information about What they should do, and a offer from a product which shows them How to do it.

You will make sales, I guarantee. Perhaps not with the second mail, but till the 6th a good portion of your subscribers bought something.

That's it. Your money maker is done and it took you only about a week to build it if you already have some IM experience. If you are a total newbie it will take a little bit longer as you have to start all from ground zero. But I'm sure that in 3 to 4 weeks you can set all this up. This is no rocket science folks, you can do this as well. Just think like your clients, put yourself in their position and try to answer the questions they have.

This is only one way how to make money online fast. It's a easy one, fast build and very lucrative.

E-mail marketing is by far the best form to increase sales and get back your investment in traffic. Traffic will cost you some because you need it fast, and to get high quality traffic fast the only way is to pay for it over AdWords or over Yahoo! Search Marketing.

Remember that I'm a Wealthy Affiliate Member, and if you like to take Affiliate Marketing serious, you should join me there.

Visit here my Review

Monday, June 2, 2008

Free Website Traffic - Where Do You Get It ?

We all have the very same problem.

How to get Free Website Traffic ?

With Google Adwords you can get fast and targeted traffic, but it cost you money, and sometimes a lot of money.

And it is a fact that you won't make money if you can't involve your website visitor in a relationship over email marketing. Email Marketing is THE only form of consistent sales. All the big gurus can confirm this, that's how it is.

To get a lot of free traffic to your website there is only ONE option left in my point of view.

It's SEO, the art of website optimization which brings your website (or sites) on Google's first page for a search term.

Needless to say that you will get more traffic, the better and higher your ranking is.

But this is a very time consuming task and you need to have a very good knowledge about SEO to be able to build your Website for that Google love it.

I have 2 options which can help you with this.

The first is a free Guide from a master in SEO, called SEO made easy. There are plenty of free tips about how to build your site, and what you should do to get a good ranking. You can download it here over the link below.

Download here a Free book SEO Made Easy from Brad Callen. Brad Callen is behind SEO Elite, what's the grandfather of all SEO software's and simply a masterpiece by itself.

This Free guide has a lot to do with what you can get if you buy SEO Elite, which helps you to save time and get top Google rankings. So if you can afford the software, it's a MUST HAVE.

The second option is a LIMITED ONE. For a while, till June 9 th, my friend Areeb let you sign up for Free to his SENuke program - you as well will get a free book as gift.

He has build this program which let you dominate the search engines over a little tweak. He gets valuable Inbound Links from social sites pointing to articles you posted, which link to your site.

You will be amazed how this works and it never has been easier to get on Google first page.

WARNING : this is powerful stuff, if you use this wrongly you will get in trouble (sandboxed) so be careful, OK. I believe that the software even will have limited access for that it don't cause too many troubles.

Check this out here and get your FREE Ebooks - Secrets To Dominate the Search Engines

Visit SENuke Immediately Here

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Bum Marketing Method Lovers Will Get Nuts

Do You use the Bum Marketing Method ?

If yes, then you have to read this quickly.

Now it's life.

Wealthy Affiliate Members just get a huge free gift with their membership.

The New Tool Is called "Rapid Writer", a Article writing tool and spinner from the next level. Rapid Writer take your unique or PLR articles and rewrite them in mere seconds into other, unique articles. If you know and use the Bum Marketing Method with it's Free Traffic and sales generation ability, then you know and can value this new "toy" we just get.

This alone makes Wealthy Affiliate be worth it.

Similar Article writing software cost around $40- to $97.-, but like I told we members get this for Free (like always).

This will make Article Marketing (Bum Marketing Method) much easier, and what was a tedious task before is getting as easy as many other work where you have a tool at hand.

Let me repeat the main benefit here.

Article Marketing is a FREE METHOD to get traffic and sales, and with this tool you are ahead of your competition as you can build 10 articles for a specific Keyword in a day without no problem at all. You simply make MORE MONEY with your Article Marketing.

If I could personally choose a tool to add to the Wealthy Affiliate University, then it would be this one. Now, this is not anymore necessary as we just get it - nice, really nice.

And now about the Price Increase !

Drum roll please..............


That's correct. The price will go up from $29.99 to 39.- for the monthly plan, a really modest move and together with the new tool absolutely acceptable.

BUT, Wealthy Affiliate still can be signed up for $29.99, if you get a entire year Membership. So anyone can choose out of two options. Monthly for $39.- or with a full year Membership for $29.99 a month.

And as a Member and Affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate your commissions as well increase. New we will get per referral $20.- in commission per month he will stay active, and for the yearly sign ups we will get a $175.- commission. WOW, $175.- in commission from 1 sign up, and this recurring for the years to come. Great.

So you see that this place has simply topped all my expectations, and there is more to come this year. We will keep you updated.



Friday, May 2, 2008

Relevant Content. Relevancy Is The Key To Success !

Hi Folks, let's tak about a other, very important issue in IM: Relevancy.

If you think that your product choice alone will determine whether or not you are successful online, then this tutorial is going to help you out significantly. You could have the best product in the world but if you do not deliver relevant content with a pitch to the proper audience then you are not going to make a dime. TOO MANY marketers make this mistake! Relevancy is absolutely a must to get any form of result.

Too much emphasis is put on finding the "perfect" product to promote online, rather than finding out who your customer is and to deliver relevant content to him.

If you are having a difficult time making money online, this is probably your weak point. Regardless of what traffic you are driving to your page, your ad copy, your landing page and the product you are promoting, all need to be aligned. If you do not align all of these elements through relevance, you are going to have a heck of a time becoming a highly successful Internet marketer.
This post is going to help you fill in the blanks and show you how to become a relevance marketer. A relevance marketer is a successful marketer!


1 - Finding Keywords
2 - Define Ad Grouping Techniques
3 - Writing Relevant Ads
4 - Create Relevant Landing Page
5 - Make a Relevant Product Offer
6 - Make money

The above diagram outlines the flow of relevance. This is the ideal flow that we should follow as marketers. If you follow this diagram with all of your campaigns, your chances of achieving positive ROI (return on investment) will be much greater. And this is equal if you start with the Keyword or with a Good Selling product, as explained in my post "How To Find A NICHE" A Nightmare For A Few IM's.

A sale always starts with a keyword. Keyword selection is very important to an Internet marketer, and we recommend that you put a lot of thought into your keyword research before actually building your campaigns. If you still think "make money" would be a relevant keyword if you were promoting a product like "Wealthy Affiliate", you’re very WRONG.

The next aspect of the flow diagram is the actual grouping of your keywords. This will ensure that all of your keywords are "relevant" and grouped properly. If a keyword does not make sense in an ad group, then you should take it out. It is perfectly fine to have ad groups with fewer than 5 keywords, but it is not OK to have an ad group with 50 keywords (not including all Google match types). Relevance sells, so keep your ad groups tightly related.

A click is an action that needs to take place in order for someone to even get to your website. Without a relevant and enticing ad, you are not going to get this "click-through". You need to make sure that your ads are highly relevant to not only the keywords, but the offer you are going to be presenting to your consumer.

Finally (and probably the most important), a relevant landing page should include relevant content that drives your potential consumers to a relevant product offering. It happens too often that people just create one broad page and send all their traffic to that. People get the keywords right, the ad right, but then when it comes down to the landing page, people miss the consumer's needs by a mile! Make sure you have relevance on all your pages (and this may require you to create several pages).

The closer all of these components are to being aligned, the better off your conversions will be.
The tutorial you get in Wealthy Affiliate will be discussing all of these aspects in greater detail but one thing you have to know. This is one of the reasons why someone makes money and others are not.

Check out my Wealthy Affiliate Review Here. The Clock is ticking,on MAY 5th the price will Increase.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wealthy Affiliate For FREE ? It's Possible Till May 5th.

Wealthy Affiliate For FREE ? It's Possible Till May 5th.

The earlier post before already announced it.

3 Years after Wealthy Affiliate was launched it's time to increase the membership fee.

The price was always $29.99, and for all who will join till May 5th - THIS WILL BE THE PRICE as long as you remain a member.

We don't know yet the new price for New Sign Ups AFTER May 6th.
But some of us guess that it could as much as the double of the actual value.


Because we already have heard that the new commissions over a Wealthy Affiliate referral will be around $100.- to $175.-. So there will definitely be a substantial price increase.


It took me a while before I decide to launch this offer. After all, it will not leave me any profit at all, but it will give ALL benefits to my clients. How comes ?

I designed a Website with a great selection of eBooks, almost all from Kyle and Carson , covering different Internet Marketing segments. For who buys a book, any of them, I will refund the FULL 30.- Membership price for Wealthy Affiliates for the first month, aka he get in for Free.

What this means ?
You will get a great eBook with a proven track record (proven no scam), you will get in the Best Membership place FOR FREE (first month) and you remain in Wealthy Affiliates to the old price of $29.99 we pay now, if you decide to stay (I bet you will).

But HURRY : This offer will EXPIRE at MAY 5th. , Just Before The New Price Increase.

In the worst case you don't like Wealthy Affiliate and quit, sad but you purchased a great eBook which will help you to make money Online so you profit anyhow.

Go and see over the link below the Special Offer :

Get Wealthy Affiliates For Free - See Here

Wealthy Affiliates Price Increase On May 6th


Wealthy Affiliate has over the 3 years not changed his price.

Anyhow, Kyle and Carson have added over this period several new tools and tutorials, increasing his inner value a lot. The place overdeliver since a long period and it's not good to give a great value too cheap, people think that it's not worth the money if they see th elow value.

In 2008 Wealthy Affiliates already get some new tools, such as WApedia (same idea as Wikipedia, but for IM issues).

Now, exactly at the 6th of May 2008 there will be introduced a NEW tool, something really great and helpful, which is a mysterious to us as well and which will be revealed at that date.

Together with the introduction of this New Tool the PRICE of New Wealthy Affiliates Member sign up's will be increased as well.

That's right, the $29.99 will not be longer valid after the 6th of May.

The NEW PRICE is not yet revealed, but it could be the double.


For who is already a Member, or for who will sign up BEFORE this date, the price will REMAIN $29.99, for as long as he keep this Membership.


I have decided to start a PROMOTION where you have 2 OPTIONS to get Wealthy Affiliate
- or with a GREAT BONUS.

See the separate Post to this Offers.

If you ever had the wish to make money Online, get scammed over crap systems, and look for the real thing, then THIS IS YOUR CHANGE to be a Member of one of the BEST place Online.

Have a great day


Turbo Tagger

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

“How To Find A NICHE” A Nightmare For A Few IM's.

From my experiance there are only 2 ways you should approach IM.

A = Or you find first a good selling product and then hungry crowd for it, or
B = you find a hungry crowd, find out what they need and then get a product(s) which resolves their problem.

Option A has some benefits and can be a faster way, but it's more difficult as there is more competition you have to outbid, and if you are not yet able to build great Websites, write killer sales copy etc, then this one will be though. Let's go with the second option.

Don't try to re-invent the weehl in Internet Marketing. You are a Internet Marketer and have to make money online, that's your ultimate goal and all other options then those two are a waste of time.

Contrary to a normal business where people with totaly different needs and whishes are passing in front of a store, the Internet is segmented in millions of groups of consumers, so called NICHES. So a niche can be described as a group of people with the same interests, and a HUNGRY CROWD is nothing else then a niche where you will find buyers who have the SAME PROBLEM.

VERY IMPORTANT for you to know is, that those groups are already there, they already exist, and they already communicate over the Internet.

So your task is FINDING a hungry crowd (or niche), understanding what they need and want, finding the product(s) which help them resolving a problem and ultimately, you have to build a vehicle (Website) to put your offer in front of those buyers.

Obviously it is a benefit if you find a niche and products in a segment you are familiar with. Some hobby of you, or your Job or general work experiance are a great resource. But if this is not the case don't worry, you can "steal" information from your competition, or buy information.

Let's take as example that you are a music freak, you could find a niche in several segments like
how to play a musical instrument , music download sites, single track download sites, CD / DVD sales, CD burning software, iPod software, instruments (guitars, drums, piano), portable music devices, car stereo electronics, vintage music collector items etc..

Then a other secret that principally Newbies are not aware off. No Internet Marketer has only one Website and only one campaign to promote his Affiliate products. You HAVE to offer the same products over different Websites to the same crowd, but promote them each time from a different angle. This we call GOING DEEP into a niche.
It's much better to ge deep then broad, meaning that it is better to have 20 different Websites in the same niche, then 20 Websites in 20 different niches.

Now, how to find a niche ? Each SEARCH TERM which is used in Google&Co. to find something is in theory a niche.

Of course there has to be a limit to this as some people do search only for fun (surfing), some or teens without a credit card (but they can be interesting as they have a Mom and a Dad who have a CC) or people who have a problem, but just look for information, and not yet for a solution.

Again a example :
“Pain” would be a very broad niche, 268.000.000 Results
“Back Pain” already narrows the niche 12.800.000 Results
“spinal column back pain” = may be a great niche, only 421 competing Websites as Result

So we go to the Google Keyword tool here, by the way a great Free Keyword tool if you know a little how to use it and check the keyword search volume.

The result for our Keyword show us that there are very few searches, perhaps good enough for Article Marketing to drive some traffic to our Website, but not enought for a Website.

But look at the synonims, check always all results.

There I found “lower back pain treatment”, which has a average search volume and only 20’100 direct competing pages, meaning that there is a good portion of people searching for this Keyword, but that we don’t face that much competition.

And the Keyword contains the word “treatment”, what tells us that those people are looking for a solution for their back pain problem - definitely worth to build a site for.

Now you have your niche, and believe me, there are really a lot of people with back pain who are looking for help.

Remember my Special Offer for who will join Wealthy Affiliates ? Software, Website, Free Domain And Hosting ? check it out at the bottom of this page here

"Easy Money Scams" Protection With Wealthy Affiliate

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What Exactly is Internet Marketing ? Affiliate Marketing ?

Internet marketing is a variety of things to many different people as there are many ways you can “market” on the Internet.

In saying this, Internet marketing is very similar to other forms of offline marketing in that you have two different entities: A consumer and a product. Some Marketer told me once that we don't have to sell, we only have to market. Let the merchants sell, your task is to market the product and make a visitor wish to get to know the merchants offer.

In a nutshell, a Internet Marketer is a Match Maker and your job as an Internet
marketer is to align these two entities (consumer + product) in efforts to drive sales to either your website or an affiliate website. You do not need your own product to succeed as an Internet marketer as there are 10,000’s of companies that are literally begging for people like yourself to promote their products/services online in exchange for a commission. The reason why companies are so eager to have you promote their product is because they are much better off having 1000 affiliates spending their own time and advertising money then it would be to spend the company time and money on promotions in house. Not to mention that having 1000 affiliates promoting a product gives a company a LOT more reach to connect with potential customers.

There are different types of payment structures but typically companies will either give you a percentage of the sale (sometimes up to 90%) or a flat-fee kickback for any sale or lead that you generate (these range into the $100’s).

How Is All of This Tracked?

Companies have something called affiliate programs that they use to track your sales. When you sign-up to an affiliate program or a network like Clickbank or Commission Junction, you are given a unique sales link which you will then use to refer people to the company web page. This link will uniquely identify you as the affiliate who referred that visitor to their site. If the visitor ends up making a purchase, you will get a commission.

There are many Internet marketers that are earning $1000’s each and every day promoting other peoples products. This may seem crazy, but it is the truth! There are several members at Wealthy Affiliate who earn this much! You are not required to have any prerequisite knowledge to do this, and everything you are going to need to succeed as Affiliate Marketer is provided at Wealthy Affiliate.

There are many different avenues you can take as an Internet marketer, and there are many different techniques you can use to make money online. You need to know that you DON'T need to know everything in order to succeed. As you get started, you will be much better off focusing on one Internet marketing technique and becoming an expert in that area than to diversify as a generalist. Look at many different professions and you will see that the specialists always get paid more (a general practitioner does not get paid what a brain surgeon gets).

If you are interested in getting the full course, you can sign up to it over my Website here at "Easy Money Scams" Protection With Wealthy Affiliates

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Death Of A Affiliate Marketer

There are several things you have to manage when you decide to start your online activities.

Those are based on my experience, but as well very much discussed in Forums, like in ours at Wealthy Affiliate.

You have to avoid


To summarize, who don't take action will not make it. Who get sidetracked and waste a lot of time on unnecessary stuff will not make it. Who can't focus on one target and try to accomplish a other goal before he even finished the first one, will not make it.

Internet and Affiliate Marketing opens all the doors for anybody who wants to work online, without any need of a MBA or Doctors degree.

But it's your commitment which is the NR. 1 reason you will make it online, or not. The second are a summary about knowledge, tools and support.

I set up a Website right now telling some more details, which will be available at :

Why 95% Fail, A Different Wealthy Affiliate Review

Check out and tell me what you thought about.


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Who Is Behind The Wealthy Affiliates ?

The Wealthy Affiliate Website was launched in september 2005 by 2 young online entrepreneurs, Kyle and Carson.

Kyle and Carson started very small in Internet Marketing and believe it or not, their daily budget in Adwords was $5 bucks at the beginning.

Today, the situation looks quite differnent.

K&C are self made Millionaires by now, this due to many successful business they run as affiliates, due to own Ebooks they wrote and sell throug affiliates, and of course due to the tremendous success of the Wealthy Affiliate University.

A Wealthy Affiliate Review, What's All About Wealthy Affiliate ?

This Wealthy Affiliate Blog will be one of the most comprehensive reviews you will find on the Internet.

Each post will introduce you to one of the items at Wealthy Affiliate, just as you would actually become a Member, you will see what we get there, and why we love it to be a Member.

But unlike all the other reviews, here you can, or better should post comments to each topic, to get more information, discuss some doubt's you have in respect to the Wealthy Affiliates, or just talk about Affiliate and Internet Marketing in general.

So feel free to visit this Blog often and post whatever you like. And a link to your website is welcome if it's somehow related to the topic of IM and Affiliate Marketing.


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